At C.S.I. meeting and exceeding the wants and needs of the individuals we care for is our first priority. It is the Mission of C.S.I to enable people with pervasive developmental disorders to participate in community life, exercise productive control over their lives, have meaningful relationships and associations, be gainfully employed, and experience happiness and personal growth and satisfaction.
It is the agency’s goal to afford people we serve a setting and the mechanisms to enhance their ability to adapt to a positive, nurturing, warm diverse and multicultural environment.

Steps to Independence
Freedom and autonomy is important to every adult. Increased independence can be as simple as spending a determined amount of time alone in the home or community. Community Social Integration is here to support each individual towards their personal steps to independence.
The agency works to create a support network that will provide honest feedback and suggestions as to how to progress. When living alone obstacles are not unheard of, even obstacles of the social nature, CSI provides a group of people who are supportive of you and help you as you navigate a life of more independence.
There are several basic skills necessary when living a life of more responsibility; knowing how to cook, maintain your living space, safety awareness, and budget money are a few. It is important to recognize areas requiring further instruction to let others teach the skills that will open new paths to independence.
Ongoing support and education may be provided to you to learn skills regarding transportation, accessing community resources and assertiveness.
You are empowered to pursue your dreams toward more independence and a heightened level of confidence will ultimately insure your success.
Day Program Support
Work is a fundamental part of adult life. CSI offers individually tailored job development, training, and support that recognizes each customer’s employability and potential contribution to the labor market. Customers are supported as needed through an individualized person-centered model of services to choose and obtain a successful employment opportunity consistent with their preferences, maintain employment, and find new employment if necessary or for purposes of career advancement.
Supports are typically intensive for the initial orientation and training of an employee with the intent of leading to natural supports and/or reduced external job coaching. However, some persons may not require any employment supports at the job site; others may require intensive initial training with a quick decrease in supports, while some will be most successful when long-term supports are provided. Supports can include assisting the employee with understanding the job culture, industry practices, and work behaviors expected by the employer. It may also include helping the employer and coworkers to understand the support strategies and accommodations needed by the worker.
Supports are a critical element of the long-term effectiveness of community employment. Support services address issues such as assistance in training a person to complete new tasks, changes in work schedule or work promotion, a decrease in productivity of the customer, adjusting to new supervisors, and managing changes in non work environments or other critical life activities that may affect work performance. Routine follow-up with the employer and the employee is crucial to continued job success.
Employment skills training services are organized formal training services that assist a customer seeking employment to acquire the skills necessary for specific jobs or families of jobs. Such services can be provided at job sites in the form of apprenticeships, on-the-job training, and/or volunteer situations; within formal and organized training and educational settings (such as community colleges and trade and technical schools); or within the organization. Curriculum and teaching strategies will be individualized and developed based upon the results of a functional skills assessment in several of the domain skill areas. Recommendations will be made to the Planning and Support Team at the annual Individual Plan Meeting. Curriculum/teaching strategies are reviewed every six months to ensure continued relevance in the potential job market.
Day Support Option is designed to help persons to optimize their personal, social, and vocational competency to live successfully in the community. Customers are active partners in determining the activities they desire to participate in. Therefore, the settings can be informal to reduce barriers between staff members and customers.
Community integration provides opportunities for the community participation of the customers served. The scope of these services and supports are based on the identified needs and desires of the customer served.
Community Presence
The recreation supports are designed to offer opportunities for individuals to experience community inclusion and integration.
Community presence offers opportunities for persons with developmental disabilities to experience adult roles and make personal choices. Supports assist individuals to pursue leisure interests, attendance at cultural and special events, and opportunities to learn adult daily living skills.
The community focus of the service offers opportunities to establish meaningful relationships with other community members in both leisure and volunteer opportunities.

Community Social Integration LLC. currently holds a three-year Accreditation from CARF International in the following program /service: Community Housing and Supported Living.
What is CARF?
What are the benefits of being CARF accredited?
For the organization, CARF accreditation is a catalyst for continuous quality improvement. CARF surveyors apply a consultative, rather than inspective, approach. They bring with them not only their own wisdom, but also the experience of similar organizations to promote quality within the industry.
For the consumer, choosing a CARF-accredited program or service can provide confidence that an organization is consumer focused and has met international standards for service delivery.
For more information about CARF International, the standards, or the survey process, visit www.carf.org

The Mission of the Department of Developmental Services is to partner with the individuals we support and their families, to support lifelong planning and to join with others to create and promote meaningful opportunities for individuals to fully participate as valued members of their communities. DDS website